But a bit of upsetting news, from Janelle Brown reporting on December 3 for the Times. Do you see that first paragraph point? Rachel, don't be surrounding yourself with twatty Euroglam with their Sobranies (the new Gauloises)! This is not "Mad Men!" You are not supposed to be around cigarette or cigar smoke or any kind of smoke blown around the Chateau whilst pregnant! LA does not tolerate cigarettes as kindly as New York does; the only people who smoke in LA are 15- to 17-year-olds who hold them like, speaking of "Mad Men," Betty Draper, and don't actually inhale, like the true tortured souls would:

I don't know - not much I feel like discussing at the moment. I hope Rachel is getting the assistance she needs because that Green Hornet film is coming out soon and Cameron Diaz is in it and Zoe's going to need help styling her for the ten thousand premieres Diaz will have to attend. Anything to recreate this:

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