I'd like to claim that I was waiting for Rachel Zoe to actually start showing before posting any pictures, but the truth is such things as my job and my hobby - watching "30 Rock" - were taking up much of my awake time. Also this is why that brief stint as a Dramatic Writing major at Tisch was just that - a brief stint - and not a career path. (Neither is Art History, but I managed to get a thesis out of that, even if that thesis is now floating somewhere on the bottom of the Hudson.) I am lazy, I don't really like to write because I have terrible instincts about syntax and an even more terrible vernacular, and I get very, very easily distracted. (I sat down to write this post a little over an hour ago and since then have read about three Grub Street articles including this week's New York Diet, took a brief gander at the blog Cupcakes and Cashmere and decided it was boring, looked at some people's New Years photos on Facebook, Gchatted with Jonah, caught up on Terry Richardson's diary, looked up three different yoga studio schedules for tomorrow, checked to see when "Brief Encounter" was ending [today - oops], Wikipedia'd Peter Greenaway, looked up the soundtrack to Somewhere and bought a song from the movie, and tried to find pictures of Leigh Lezark from New Year's Eve because I wanted to see what all the glamorous anorexics did that night.) So, here are some pictures of Zoe finally showing. Though for all we know it can still just be a hysterical pregnancy (more on that later, as it is a personal matter for me as someone who is both hysterical generally and hysterically afraid of pregnancy).

January 2, 2011. My take is that she is associating pregnancy primarily with freedom of food and secondarily with birthing a child. I mean, this is what all woman think for the first eight and a half months. Barnard taught me.

Conversation topic for next post: Dissect this.

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